Alert – Kindly note that NexGen Data Entry do all projects in-house and do not entertain outsourcing to a 3rd party or individual.

Essential Winning Strategies for BPOs

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Outsourcing has become one of the main revenues for the global economy. From 2000 to 2012 there was sustainable growth in the revenue of outsourcing everywhere. From 2012 to 2015, it was a troubled time for many reasons including the recession. After that, it has been showing a surge in growth. IDC report by GII shows that the Global Outsourcing Market is likely to arrive at the US $202.6 billion in 2016 with a five-year CAGR of 5.3%. Outsourcing company India is considered to be a business transformational instrument. BPOs are reached out for much more than cost reduction. BPOs can considerably aid business expansion, customer and business relationship and answer to multifaceted questions creating a business revolution. Here you can see some of the winning strategies for BPO.

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More than cost effectiveness

BPO partners do not limit their services to satisfying the basics, but they think more, delivering value far beyond cost considerations. BPO Services India should consider the quality of the service rendered and also provide value added services to sustain in a highly competitive industry. They can improve the collaboration and novelty. They should have precise information on their input as well as strategies and information with respect to the future. BPOs are likely to go above and beyond SLA’s keeping the companies’ goals and vision in mind. Every survey proves it right that clients are looking at more than cost effectiveness but value-based ideas too. BPOs should also address both physical and nonphysical objectives.

Usage of technology for business transformation

strategyHighly rated BPOs will augment their processes with technology to increase their value. Cloud computing, analytics, social media, and automation are among the latest technologies employed, which differentiate Outsourcing Services India from other BPO providers. Surveys disclose that 56% high performing BPOs are gaining the access to the technology. So technology has an important role to play in BPO partnerships.

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Outsourcing in the right locations

Choosing the location needs a detailed study like whether one requires offshore, inshore, or near shore locations for outsourcing. Different businesses have different styles of outsourcing models. An experienced BPO partner will ensure the best possible solution for the client’s requirements and will ensure the process will not affect the clients at any cost like wars, calamities, and conflicts. While searching locations, one also needs to check the time zone.

 Flexibility by Offering Scalability

Because of the uncertainty in economic stability across the world, an effective Data entry service provider will give an option of scalability as the part of the outsourcing authorization. They should be able to increase or decrease the resources as per the requirement or business expansion. As per the parent companies’ requirements, they can line up and schedule services.

Quality of manpower

A highly rated BPO company will invest in quality manpower. BPO is exclusively dependent on the quality of manpower. High performing staffs will ensure its higher ranks in KPIs. Investment in manpower is the most difficult and important aspect of BPOs. Surveys disclose that 75% of the top level performers credit their BPO performance because of highly talented staffs. But only half of the average business performers understand the importance of quality staff.


These strategies and flexibility to adapt to the changing requirements are essential for strategic positioning in the BPO outsourcing business.
