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Key Points to Improving Quality in Offshore Business Process Outsourcing

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Outsourcing the job to the offshore location is one of the common ways to manage business processes nowadays. Outsourcing has a very important role in businesses. This reduces the cost of the company and the core processes get more attention. But when you choose offshore outsourcing, there is always a risk on the quality of services and products delivered by the outsourcing company. The company gets the benefits of cost-effectiveness, but the quality to the customer is very important. To maintain the quality of services and products, commitment from both sides is required. There are some points that can assure the quality of the offshore outsourcing company India:

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Have a Quality Assurance plan

Whether it is a small company or big, quality assurance has a very big role in businesses. From software development to BPO Services India, everything should come under the quality plan. Here are some key points to assure utmost quality in the services provided:

  1. At which point production and development quality process should be assessed?
  2. Who is the responsible person in QA level one?
  3. The reporting point and managing point
  4. The criteria considered in quality assurance
  5. Where, how, when to implement the QA findings in the production/development process?
Quality Assurance at both places

The quality of the products and services can be checked first in the offshore outsourcing firm and secondly at the local point. This could help the company to maintain a good quality of goods and services. Business Outsourcing Services India was introduced to give quality services to the customers, so it is very important to maintain it. This two-tiered quality checking will help ensure the desired quality. Sometimes a certain level of output can check be checked at offshore and rest with local point also. This will also help to maintain good quality.

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Make use of existing resources in QA process

At times funds will be very less for the process in small and big firms, so you can maintain the same resources for QA process. Because of less manpower sometimes you won’t be able to check whole the product or service. To maintain a proper reporting system in QA analysis, you can outsource the same. Without a proper reporting system, the whole QA process could go for a toss.

Service level agreement’s importance

SLA is very important in outsourcing. This could make a big difference in the quality of services by your Outsourcing Services provider. You can easily judge the quality of service with SLAs. It is a legal contract with the service provider for the parent company. Even in the staffing process, you need to follow this.

To improve the quality use the QA results

Past results of the QA need to be applied to make sure that the quality of the Products and services of the offshore outsourcing firm is improving. QA results help the management with how to deal with a problem.


These are some of the points to be followed by the offshore outsourcing company and parent company to maintain the quality of the work.
