Alert – Kindly note that NexGen Data Entry do all projects in-house and do not entertain outsourcing to a 3rd party or individual.

OCR – Solution for Accurate Data Entry


Are you tired of handling lot of data entry work which needs high accuracy and precision? And you need your important document converted into soft copies with hundred percent accuracy. If yes, OCR is one stop solution for converting the data into soft copies.
In comparison to manual data entry, OCR conversion services result in accurate precision, saving huge money and time. OCR services will provide quick access to highly accurate information. Highly customized and precise data into soft copies is easy to store and information is flexible to access.

Some Advantages of Using Optical Character Recognition

1. Increased the productivity of data stored in books and other form of journals, by converting them into other usable format like electronic format.

2. Conversion of any type of hard copy document into soft copies, which made storage easily.

3. Compare to any other data capturing method, optical character recognition method is productive and easy achievable.


4. Less chance of error.

5. Large volume of data can be easily handled.

6. Make business activity easy, simple and resources can be used it optimum.

7. Highly affordable service.

Why to Outsource OCR Services?

Outsourcing OCR Services has its following tremendous advantages:

1. OCR Technology- Convert any form of information into other.

The optical character reorganization is basically the combination of two technology naming image enhancement and image acquisition. With OCR technology it is possible to convert or collate the data from any type of document, whether it is paper files, resumes, address, any form of brochures, payroll form or any other format. All documents can be changed from one form to another.

2. OCR Process- Get fast retrieval information in any format

To ensure the speedy scanning and high resolution document, service provider like Nexgen Data Entry export has high quality scanner. The high resolution scanned can be converted into desired format.

3. OCR Professionals- Experienced professional who handle all task efficiently

OCR technology required highly skilled and trained professionals. With experienced and trained professionals, we can ensure you of 100% accuracy and safety of your data. At NexGen Data Entry service we provide proper seminar and training to our professional to keep them updated with latest technology and tool.