Alert – Kindly note that NexGen Data Entry do all projects in-house and do not entertain outsourcing to a 3rd party or individual.

Outsource Data Visualization for Unstructured Data in Graphical Format

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Data has become the most wanted asset for many businesses. Digital data is very precious as it is used by businesses to understand their progress and market information in the most efficient ways. Digital data comes in many forms such as text, voice, video, images etc. Data can also be categorized as structured and unstructured data. When data comes in a regular pattern, it is called structured. When the information does not have a specific pattern, it is unstructured data. Such data is difficult to deal with and comprehend. Graphical representation of information is proven to be easier to comprehend. That’s the main reason businesses outsource data visualization. While an in-house team may also be engaged to visualize unstructured data, outsourcing is more preferred.


Let’s analyze the reasons for outsourcing data visualization, particularly for unstructured data:

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Data comes in all forms as we discussed earlier. For companies dealing with bulk information on a daily basis, understanding large chunks of information and then putting it into better use may require a large workforce with specialized skills and the right hardware and software tools to complement their work process. Further, this information has to cleansed and processed to use for data analytics services which is the main purpose of holding bulk data. These not only involve huge investments in terms of infrastructure but also in terms of resources and their training and management. More than the expense, timely availability of quality data is a major requirement which businesses cannot compromise on. Outsourcing offers them a cost-effective and scalable solution ensuring timely availability of quality data.

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Once quality data is made available, it has to be categorized or structured to make use for analytics and other management purposes. Data management is a complicated process which again requires high-end software and expert resources to categorize and deal with data effectively. That’s the reason, businesses prefer to outsource data management services. The outsourcing partners will have the right software tools and experts for specific industries which saves the parent company significant money and time.

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Once the data is categorized and well-managed, it can be considered for graphical representation. The graphical data visualization is better comprehended by the higher officials, vendors, stakeholders and the management, especially when there’s bulk data to report. The patterns and progressions are better represented by graphs than figures. This again requires specific tools and expert resources who are adept in ensuring the right visual representation with adequate explanations.

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Considering the specifications and challenges of graphical representation of unstructured data, outsourcing the same to a competent offshore BPO service provider will ensure on time availability of information in the right manner in the most cost-effective way. Outsourcing not only saves time and money for the parent company, it also offers a low-risk solution to the business requirements without compromising on data quality and security. Outsourcing also relieves the business of significant responsibilities and deliverables and lets them focus better on their core competency.
