Alert – Kindly note that NexGen Data Entry do all projects in-house and do not entertain outsourcing to a 3rd party or individual.

Benefits of Outsourcing eCommerce Data Entry Services

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eCommerce business has gained a huge prominence amid the global market scenario. And similar to the other industrial domains, eCommerce firms possess a bulk of the crucial product and customer data. Owing to the rise in data, eCommerce data entry has turned out to be a challenging and time-consuming process.


The rise in online customers has been generating a bulk of data that is associated with the purchasing orders and their personal information. eCommerce players consider such details to be highly important and hence, it becomes the sole responsibility to store the information securely. But, as a majority of the eCommerce organizations lack a professional data management team and other factors such as time, resources, etc. outsourcing the eCommerce data entry has become a growing trend. Well, in terms of BPO outsourcing, eCommerce data entry is also referred to as product data entry service.

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  • Affordable Solution

Outsourcing the eCommerce data entry is one of the cost-effective measures of keying, storing, updating, and preserving the customer and purchase information. Well, outsourcing data entry will significantly help your eCommerce stores to save around 50-60% on the operational cost when compared to the costly process of hiring in-house employees. You can save a valuable sum on infrastructure, manpower, training sessions, recruitments, office space, and so on. Outsourcing to an offshore data entry company will bill the expenses on an hourly basis, thereby, eliminating unwanted expenses.


  • Core Functions

Generally, the in-house execution of the eCommerce data entry process is challenging, resource- draining, time-consuming, and thus, it will prevent you from focusing on the core functions. For every eCommerce business, attaining a complete customer-retention is the primary motive. But, with the rising challenges involved in the data entry process, obtaining the goal turns out to be stressful. In such an instance, outsourcing becomes a savior for the eCommerce business. The data entry operators at the outsourcing company will simplify the complications and ensure the delivery of clean and reliable outcomes.


  • Full-Fledged Data Security

Spams and fraudulent activities are turning out to be a negative aspect that is existing in every business domain, including the eCommerce vertical. Outsourcing the eCommerce or product data entry service will guarantee the complete safety and security of your confidential data. The data entry companies of today’s market are well-possessed with the best and first-class technology, infrastructure, and security measures. Apart from product details, the eCommerce data entry also involves the customer’s information, receipt details, etc. and hence, the outsourcing companies undertake the accountability of safeguarding the minute details. The common data security measures implemented by the BPO or data entry companies include the following:

  • The signing of NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
  • Verified Biometrics
  • An advanced set of CCTV Surveillance Camera
  • Data Back-up Facilities
  • Password Protected Systems
  • Assigned Credentials for Every Employee


  • Enhanced Data Management

Every eCommerce business organization require an unparalleled data management system for developing better data quality. Outsourcing the product data entry service will help you with the creation of unique and factual descriptions, attractive product images, accurate data entry into the eCommerce database, and so on. If you display an unpleasant description, there are higher chances that customers won’t initiate a purchase. Whereas, outsourcing will enhance your sales as it will bring more potential customers closer to your business. They will help in generating quality-rich product data entry services and will ensure to streamline your business data effectively.


  • In-Depth Knowledge

One of the finest advantages of outsourcing the product data entry service is to obtain the efficiency and proficiency of the skilled team. The employees at the outsourcing companies have a sound knowledge regarding the accurate performance of product data entry, removing the duplications, and focusing on the quality check. Also, the BPO outsourcing team acquires a great proficiency in the various eCommerce models such as Zen Cart, Open Cart, Magento, and so on.


To Wrap Up…  

Outsourcing has emerged to be a common practice in all the industrial domains, including the eCommerce sector. In this era of the constant need for product data entry service providers, it is regarded to be an effective and economically-priced means of yielding the finest results. NexGen Data Entry is a top-notch data management company, well-skilled in the generation of top-class and hassle-free product/eCommerce data entry services. From successfully entering the product data into a systematized format or a robust eCommerce database, we’ll help your business to overcome various obstacles. If you wish to seek our eCommerce data entry services and create a successful business story, feel free to collaborate with us at [email protected]
